by László Balogh
Why does this material world have such a pull on us? We seek the comforts of life constantly. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against living comfortably. What I dislike though, Continue reading Captives of the Here and Now
by László Balogh
Why does this material world have such a pull on us? We seek the comforts of life constantly. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against living comfortably. What I dislike though, Continue reading Captives of the Here and Now
by László Balogh
I’m pretty sure most of us are aware of the evolution of AI, and have seen some amazing displays of robotics before. It is also a much-loved theme of a number of sci-fi movies, which I actually enjoy watching. Some people are excited about the prospects AI can offer, but others rather differ. Will this technological advancement improve our lives, or will it eventually turn against us? Continue reading WHICH ROBOT?
by László Balogh
Every once in a while you encounter comments from people who don’t seem to understand the concept of God saving the world. To them God seems like an eccentric worship-crazed tyrant, who “will save you from his own wrath, if you believe in him”. And “he won’t throw you in hell if you bow down and worship him” – and such things.
by László Balogh
I’ve seen this picture somewhere that said: “The question isn’t why a loving God would send somebody to hell. The question is: why would anyone choose hell over a loving God.” Now, I totally agree with the validity of this statement, but I know many people have a great problem with this too. They say: “What do you mean, I have to choose God or else I go to hell? That’s not choice, that’s dictatorship! I want to stay out of this whole thing, no God, no hell, nothing! I don’t choose either.”
by László Balogh
The grace of God is an incredible subject! There are not enough books in the world to express the fullness of it. God saved us from punishment by mercy and grace. Mercy purely means we don’t get the punishment that we deserve. Grace adds to it. By grace we get a bunch of good things we don’t deserve. Why did God do that? Why did He choose this method? Well, let’s take a closer look at it!
by László Balogh
I actually didn’t believe in the existence of God till I was 17 years old. But somehow I always had a God-picture in me. I don’t know where I got it from, but I imagined, that if there is a God, He must be the “best and most and top of everything”. I don’t know if this is normal and everyone is like that, but that’s how it was for me. I think as people grow up and see, hear and experience things, that’s when this God-picture gets twisted somehow. We don’t understand why things are not the “best and most and top of everything”. I might get to touch on that in this article, but I wanted to start somewhere else. Continue reading The Master Plan
by László Balogh
How often do we wonder if this world can ever get worse than it is? Of course life is also full of beauty, love and enjoyment, a lot of people are helpful and well-meaning. It’s not all bad, I know. But somehow there is always some evil, some worry, some insecurity that’s looming over us. We hear of wars, disasters, shootings, poverty, corrupt politicians, etc. and we wonder how this could be fixed. If there is a God, why doesn’t he intervene? The truth is that God has already intervened, when he sent Jesus to earth, as he taught and healed, and finally died for mankind. It may not seem to you that it helped a lot, since we still see all these bad things. Well, we still have to wait some time for Heaven where everything is going to be perfect, but we can start laying down the groundwork for it, here on earth already. Continue reading An Invitation To Eternal Life