by László Balogh
Please understand the strong sarcasm in the following short writing. But first, watch this video I posted here. It’s only about four minutes long.
by László Balogh
Please understand the strong sarcasm in the following short writing. But first, watch this video I posted here. It’s only about four minutes long.
by László Balogh
Just recently I watched an interview with a Christian pastor. He was being asked some weighty questions and at one point the interviewer said he just couldn’t understand that something as horrible as the holocaust happened and God didn’t stop it. How can God allow such evil?
by László Balogh
A few days ago I watched “Miracles for Sale” by Derren Brown and I had a number of thoughts after that. Basically, Derren Brown exposed what was already exposed. It was not that necessary to make a profitable TV show out of this because any honest pastor could have told you that these things are happening in the church.
by László Balogh
According to New Age philosophy, Christ is an inward state of awareness and divine being that can be accessed by each person. Christ is ultimately who we are, and our true nature is union with God. Christ is a nature we tap into in our purest, formless state of being. Christ consciousness is a state of realizing that one is as Christ was – unified with God. So, Jesus actually became Christ by realizing that he was God at his innermost core. Therefore we are all God, we just haven’t realized it yet.
by László Balogh
Have you ever loved somebody deeply and intimately? A mate, a parent, a child? Now, that is a perfect sample of what our relationship with God should be. Jesus actually said that we shouldn’t call anybody father, because our real Father is in Heaven. That is not to disrespect our earthly parents, but to understand that we have a heavenly Father who loves us more than any earthly person can.
by László Balogh
I think many of us have seen the famous movie “Good Will Hunting”. The story is about a young man (Will – Matt Damon), who is a math genius, very intelligent, yet he is incapable of certain social functions. The reason for that is that he was physically abused as a child by his foster father, which left him with a lot of emotional pain. As a result he carried a lot of guilt, shame and the blame for what he has become. A turning point in the story is when his psychologist
by László Balogh
Truth is a very interesting thing. What is truth? Or better yet, what is your perception of truth? Those two can be a totally different thing actually. We usually don’t think about not being right, I guess we all think we’re right about most things. But when it comes to God, this should be a little different. What I mean is that you really have to know God very well to say that you are right about what He’s like.
by László Balogh
A little while ago I’ve watched a couple of interesting videos about the law of attraction. Pretty much the first thing a speaker brought up was that we need to realize that our physical world is controlled by the metaphysical. It’s nothing spooky, it just means “beyond the physical”; the things you cannot see with your eyes. They explained that the core of the law of attraction is that you let your thoughts, beliefs and imaginations control your outside circumstances.
by László Balogh
I’ve seen this picture somewhere that said: “The question isn’t why a loving God would send somebody to hell. The question is: why would anyone choose hell over a loving God.” Now, I totally agree with the validity of this statement, but I know many people have a great problem with this too. They say: “What do you mean, I have to choose God or else I go to hell? That’s not choice, that’s dictatorship! I want to stay out of this whole thing, no God, no hell, nothing! I don’t choose either.”
by László Balogh
The other day I was watching something on Youtube. A person was doing a survey and asking people what they thought about those who believe in God. Somebody gave the answer that: ”believing in God is for those who can’t think for themselves.”