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Captives of the Here and Now
by László Balogh
Why does this material world have such a pull on us? We seek the comforts of life constantly. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against living comfortably. What I dislike though, Continue reading Captives of the Here and Now →
Introduction to the End Times
by László Balogh
The Bible talks extensively about the ending of this era on Earth – the ending point being the return of Jesus. This is probably the riskiest subject to write about because of the many past false predictions of the end of the world. However, much information is given about it in the Scriptures, so we can’t ignore them forever just because of past misapplication of prophecies. Continue reading Introduction to the End Times →
A twist in the story
Some of you may have read the short story “Genesis and Catastrophe” written by Roald Dahl. It’s about the birth of a boy. After he is born, a conversation takes place between the mother and the doctor. She is so worried! Continue reading A twist in the story →
Have you ever wondered about infinity? To me, this is one of the most intriguing things to talk about. I will jump to the conclusion of my article right at the beginning: the reason we can’t figure God out, is because the human mind can’t grasp the concept of infinity. Continue reading INFINITY →
It’s a lie that money can’t buy happiness
A friend of mine told me a few weeks ago that some people in his village got into serious difficulty. It was a couple with a young, one year old boy. The wife was unable to work due to some sickness she’d been having for a while. The husband just got a job after being unemployed for a long time. Continue reading It’s a lie that money can’t buy happiness →
Jesus – Prosperous or Poor?
by László Balogh
I hear of so many discussions and arguments about how to fix the world. Which way of governance, what type of economic system is the best? Conservative, liberal, capitalist, socialist? People can get very heated over these issues. We have seen all of these political and economic approaches in operation in the past, but somehow they all get shipwrecked on the way. There is always something that corrupts the process. Somehow we just don’t get them to work as they’re supposed to. Why is that?
by László Balogh
I find it more and more true that we live in an increasingly polarized world. There is so much division over almost every issue. There are artificially created boxes people are being put in depending on their views, opinions and beliefs.
by László Balogh
For many people the greatest roadblock to finding faith is that they see no evidence of God. I have to say here, that of course there is evidence, but you have to do a little looking and searching. God is not popular in the mainstream media, so you won’t find anything there.
by László Balogh
I’m pretty sure most of us are aware of the evolution of AI, and have seen some amazing displays of robotics before. It is also a much-loved theme of a number of sci-fi movies, which I actually enjoy watching. Some people are excited about the prospects AI can offer, but others rather differ. Will this technological advancement improve our lives, or will it eventually turn against us? Continue reading WHICH ROBOT? →
by László Balogh
Every once in a while you encounter comments from people who don’t seem to understand the concept of God saving the world. To them God seems like an eccentric worship-crazed tyrant, who “will save you from his own wrath, if you believe in him”. And “he won’t throw you in hell if you bow down and worship him” – and such things.